This is my blog! You'll see sneak peeks from some of my recent sessions right here.

You can also visit my website to view more examples of my work and to find out more about my photography.

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Sunday, October 28, 2012

In the time it takes to breastfeed a newborn.... a sibling can have a whole lot of fun

25th Oct 2012

They say silence is golden ... unless you have a toddler ... silence is very suspicious!

It was a gorgeous afternoon and Lily asked to eat her dinner outside so I set her up on her little toadstool table and went inside to feed Eli . Not long after lily came in with a small toy turtle and said  "turtles like to swim don't they " I said yes sweetie they like to swim in the sea " they like water don't they " yes they do Lily, they love to swim, and thought nothing more of it  until I went out to check on her and found that she was giving the turtle a bath ... and herself.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Bed time story for Eli

Today when I told Lily that I needed to put Eli to bed she insisted that I put him in her bed first so that she could read him a story. I love that she loves reading so much , it opens up a whole new world. And I love that she is warming to her new brother.