This is my blog! You'll see sneak peeks from some of my recent sessions right here.

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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Slow down mummy, there is no need to rush.

slow down mummy, there is no need to rush,
slow down mummy, what is all the fuss?
slow down mummy, make yourself a cup tea.
Slow down mummy, come and spend some time with me.

slow down mummy, lets put our boots on and go out for a walk,
lets kick at piles of leaves, and smile and laugh and talk.
slow down mummy, you look ever so tired,
come sit and snuggle under the duvet and rest with me a while.

slow down mummy, those dirt dishes can wait,
slow down mummy, lets have some fun, lets bake a cake!
slow down mummy I know you work a lot,
but sometimes mummy, its nice when you just stop.

sit with us a minute,
& listen to our day,
spend a cherished moment,
because our childhood is not here to stay! 

R.Knight 2011

The Many Faces Of Eli

Following on from my earlier post titled ' The Many Faces Of Lily' I now bring to you  'The Many Faces Of Eli '!!

He is such a delight , he is always smiling!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The many faces of Lily.

Lily came up to me while I was taking a photo of Eli and asked me to take a photo of her .... and this is what she did.
Oh heart be still, how I love this child!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Chocolate Induced Coma.

After putting Eli into bed for his midday sleep, I took Lily to her room, she has dropped her nap, but I still insist that she has a little rest, reading books and playing quietly for a while , both for her benefit and mine.
 I closed the door and made myself a well earned cup of tea, I listened to her bang away at her toys while I eddited photos. After a while, I snapped out of my peaceful alone time and realised that the house was silent. Could it be that she was asleep? No surely not, I think to myself ... my little girl has never just fallen asleep.
I continue editing another photo , and although the obvious reason for such silence is sleep, I begin to worry ... Could she be sick? Could she have climbed up her bookshelf, fallen down and knocked herself unconscious? MY BABY!!  I quickly jump up and run to her room, ready to perform CPR or call 000 .
The sight that welcomes me however is very different to that in my mind. Somehow Lily had pulled down her Advent Calender that I had hanging from a hook in her ceiling and was lying asleep in a chocolate induced coma, wearing nothing but her undies, red shoes, and a tell-tale face smeared with chocolate.

I went back to my cup of tea with a very big smile on my face, and a warm happy feeling in my heart.

Tinkerbell's horse

For some time, Lily's rocking horse has been known as Bullseye, after her favorite toys horse in the movie Toy story. Time is changing however. Since going to the movie theaters for the very first time the day before Eli's birth, to see Tinkerbell, fairy's have been an obsession. Her rocking horse is now known as Tinkerbell's horse. And Lily is now know as Tinkerbell.