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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Photo-a-day 2013 : Day 2

Photo-a-Day Project: A personal project that I undertake in January for an entire month taking one photo a day of my family.

Last January during my photo a day project, I happened  to capture the very last time Lily came into our bed to sleep with us during the night. It was like something had flipped a switch and that magical time was lost forever. The following month she slept through the night for the first time and has been doing so ever since. As much as I so so so much loved that this meant that I could finally sleep and take back ownership of  more than the two inches of bed,that she would leave for me once she had stretched herself across the majority of the bed, I now look back at this time with wistful yearning.

I do not regret the gentle mothering techniques that allowed her to make these transitions in her own time, I try to remember this as my new little boy wriggles in my arm's resisting sleep with all his might... this time of complete dependence is ever so fleeting.

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